Emergency Call 02-33669119
Student Safety

(1) Emergency
In the event of an emergency, students are advised to seek help through in one of the following ways:
  1. For a quick response, please take traffic time into consideration and first dial 119 or 110 for an ambulance or fire brigade if necessary. You are advised to call the 24hr hotline 0800-024-111 for assistance if you want to communicate in a language other than Chinese.
  2. Please call the 24hr University Assistance, which will respond to you around the clock.
On-campus Emergency (Campus Security 24hr) 02-33669110
Student Emergency Assistance (Student Safety Center) 02-33669119
Health Emergency Assistance
(Health Center, 8am-5pm,Monday through Friday)
(2) Lost and Found

If you lost any items, please contact the nearest NTU regulatory agency (if you are not sure, please check Lost-and-Found column on NTU website) or Campus Security Guard(3366-9110) for more information. Also, if you encounter any lost items, please report it to the nearest NTU regulatory agency or Campus Security Guard.
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